Sappurisa Dhamma

~ By Ajahn Jayasāro ~

‘Sappurisa’ is one of the terms used by the Buddha to refer to wise, cultivated people. The seven qualities of sappurisas provide a useful checklist for assessing one’s own level of education.

1.       They know ‘dhamma’: Whether in study or action, they are aware of the relevant principles and natural laws. They are knowledgeable and well-informed. They know the causes needed to produce effects, the methods or techniques needed to achieve success.

2.       They know ‘attha: They understand meanings, implications, consequences, results. In any activity, they are aware of their goal and do not lose sight of it.

3.       They know themselves: They have an accurate understanding of their strong and weak points, their knowledge and abilities, their virtues and vices. They know where and how to improve.

4.       They know moderation: They are sensitive to ‘just the right amount, not too much, not too little’ in all things, beginning with food, sleep, exercise, wealth, possessions.

5.       They know time and place: They know when and under what circumstances it is appropriate to act or speak and when not to. They are neither hasty or tardy.

6.       They know groups: They are observant and tactful in the midst of different groups and communities. They know how to relate appropriately and how to adapt when necessary.

7.       They know individuals: They have an accurate understanding of the personalities, abilities, virtues and vices of those around them. They know how to conduct themselves appropriately with different people; whether or not to associate with them, how to best communicate with them. How to learn from them or to teach them.

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"Food for the Heart", a series of Dhamma teachings handwritten weekly is posted on the Buddhadāsa Indapañño Archives page with Ajahn's kind permission.

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For other teachings by Ven. Ajahn Jayasāro, please visit the Panyaprateep Foundation website.


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