Whether this text, this web page, Buddhadasa Bhikku’s translated teachings, his published books or BIA's events—it is volunteers who make it all happen.
More fundamentally, it is selfless generosity.
Like the Buddha, Buddhadasa Bhikkhu taught about the importance of generosity in our Dhamma practice. And generosity is a core element of his discourses on Dhammic Socialism: "Our ancestors taught us to act so that all lives can live together harmoniously in kindness and friendliness, in line with the ways of Nature."
So if you have some spare time, and would like to share it with us either on-site or on-line, BIA’s International Program looks forward to incorporating your interests and skills into our collective effort to further Buddhadasa Bhikkhu’s legacy.
Some activities for which we regularly need assistance include:
creating, editing and posting social media content;
web development and social media engagement;
graphic design;
proofreading and copyediting;
transcribing Dhamma teachings;
editing Dhamma teachings;
reviewing Buddhadasa Bhikkhu’s books;
professional level translation of Buddhadasa Bhikkhu’s Dhamma teachings;
office administration;
assist with guiding tours of BIA in English;
assist with retreats: greeting, registration, seating, and meals, and
driving special guests and monks to and from BIA.
If you have skills in other areas and ideas on how they could support BIA’s International Program, we are always looking for new approaches and avenues to advance our mission.